How to spread an anti-littering message amongst Vietnamese youth.
This paper outlines the design of a mobile game aimed at educating the target audience on the value of not littering. It outlines an approach to education that could provide value in reconceptualizing mobile learning in future. A unique mobile game, Vietnam Run, was designed and developed for the Vietnamese audience, and its game design considerations outlined. There is a lack of studies conducted in the area of mobile serious games within the context of Vietnam.
This paper addresses the existing gap in the present literature from that perspective. The game design considerations outlined in this paper could be adapted and applied to the future development of similar mobile serious games in Vietnam.
Findings – Localization as a starting point increases value when a key problem and target audience has been identified. Social cognitive theory and elaboration likelihood model forms the overarching theory that defines game design to sustain player interest and engagement.
Publication Date: January 2017