Education Reciprocity: Australian University Experiences in Viet Nam
Thirty years of Australian education in Viet Nam have resulted in universities having a diverse range of business approaches, as the two countries look for closer complementarities.
Key Takeaways
- Different models: Universities have already charted many paths
- Reciprocity and regions: Don’t overlook Viet Nam’s own education ambitions
- Industry links: Conglomerates have political clout and campuses
- Cooperation: British Council lessons for ‘Team Australia’
The third roundtable in this series supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) looks at the landscape for Australian universities interested in expanding into Viet Nam in alignment with the new Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy. A group of university administrators with experience on the ground in the country discussed these issues in December 2021, just after the Department of Education, Skills and Employment released its new international education strategy.
To explore more papers from this series, see below or select ‘Working Paper’ from the resource type drop down menu on the Resources Page.